My son loves his new bed. It is well made and not hard to assemble, but took two adults 5 hours to put up. The directions, however, are very clear. Just a lot of little steps. It was packaged great / came in three boxes. Our delivery was some trouble, but this was at a local level. If you have been looking at house beds, this one is a great pick. We have hung removable hooks in it for him to hang things in there. We also got a great reading light with a clamp to attach to the bed rail. The back wall is also open, so you can hang pictures on the wall it is backed against to give it a house feel. We have plans for lights in it during Christmas. Basically like having a treehouse for a bed. Lots of fun things you can do with it. Decent for the price
Great Bed
My son loves his new bed. It is well made and not hard to assemble, but took two adults 5 hours to put up. The directions, however, are very clear. Just a lot of little steps. It was packaged great / came in three boxes. Our delivery was some trouble, but this was at a local level. If you have been looking at house beds, this one is a great pick. We have hung removable hooks in it for him to hang things in there. We also got a great reading light with a clamp to attach to the bed rail. The back wall is also open, so you can hang pictures on the wall it is backed against to give it a house feel. We have plans for lights in it during Christmas. Basically like having a treehouse for a bed. Lots of fun things you can do with it. Decent for the price