I had to return the first one and this had to be resent to me because the first one arrived with major dents in the bowls. This one arrived perfect and so far has worked great. My English bulldog is a pusher of her food bowl and works her way around the entire kitchen while eating her meals, this has stopped that. She now is able to stay put and eat without getting a huge workout while doing so. She is not super messy when eating but she is when drinking so the mat helps to keep her water off the floor and so far has been easy to wipe up and keep clean.
Great mat and bowls
I had to return the first one and this had to be resent to me because the first one arrived with major dents in the bowls. This one arrived perfect and so far has worked great. My English bulldog is a pusher of her food bowl and works her way around the entire kitchen while eating her meals, this has stopped that. She now is able to stay put and eat without getting a huge workout while doing so. She is not super messy when eating but she is when drinking so the mat helps to keep her water off the floor and so far has been easy to wipe up and keep clean.