This took me about 3 hours to assemble by myself. The instructions are easy to follow and they include plenty of extra parts. The only tool needed was a screw driver, everything else is included. It took a while but ease of assembly was much easier than products Ive assembled in the past. The wood is thick and sturdy. Once fully assembled its definitely a sturdy piece of . I can sit on the bench just fine without, it holds weight with no issues. I love this so far. Dont let the bad reviews lead you away. This is a great hall tree for the price.
Exactly what Ive been looking for!
This took me about 3 hours to assemble by myself. The instructions are easy to follow and they include plenty of extra parts. The only tool needed was a screw driver, everything else is included. It took a while but ease of assembly was much easier than products Ive assembled in the past. The wood is thick and sturdy. Once fully assembled its definitely a sturdy piece of . I can sit on the bench just fine without, it holds weight with no issues. I love this so far. Dont let the bad reviews lead you away. This is a great hall tree for the price.