I was very impressed with this product. I thought the materials were good quality and sturdy. The instructions were easy to follow and the box came with all of the hardware and a tool to put it together. Someone did a great job designing this frame. It has a dozen wooden slats to support the mattress and at first I was concerned the slats might shift around but discovered the slats were all connected with a Velcro strip that attached to the Velcro on the frame itself. This kept the slats perfectly spaced and in place. It takes a little effort to put it together but anyone could do it. Theres quite a few pieces but it made it easy to move the parts into the room. I would buy this again in a heartbeat. good buy!
Well built Bed frame
I was very impressed with this product. I thought the materials were good quality and sturdy. The instructions were easy to follow and the box came with all of the hardware and a tool to put it together. Someone did a great job designing this frame. It has a dozen wooden slats to support the mattress and at first I was concerned the slats might shift around but discovered the slats were all connected with a Velcro strip that attached to the Velcro on the frame itself. This kept the slats perfectly spaced and in place. It takes a little effort to put it together but anyone could do it. Theres quite a few pieces but it made it easy to move the parts into the room. I would buy this again in a heartbeat. good buy!