Very easy to assemble. I love that they labeled every single items so you know exactly what to look for to assemble. Took me around 45min to assemble. Looks exactly like the picture, beautiful and simple. The outlets also work just fine.
The only con I will mention is that the drawer is a little flimsy. However, it is still practical and it is not a turn off for me. I am still able to put things inside the drawer. There’s just a little bit of resistant in pulling out the drawer and closing it. Other than that, it’s a beautiful night stand.
Beautiful and Easy to Assemble!
Very easy to assemble. I love that they labeled every single items so you know exactly what to look for to assemble. Took me around 45min to assemble. Looks exactly like the picture, beautiful and simple. The outlets also work just fine. The only con I will mention is that the drawer is a little flimsy. However, it is still practical and it is not a turn off for me. I am still able to put things inside the drawer. There’s just a little bit of resistant in pulling out the drawer and closing it. Other than that, it’s a beautiful night stand.