I always say read all the directions first then sort the parts into categories, then begin. There are lots of parts, but easy to put together it just takes some time. Don’t get discouraged directions are simple. The makeup lights are very nice!!
My daughter loves it. It’s very sturdy. This is not super expensive so it’s not like something you would buy from a furniture store so if that is what your expecting go spend more money and get that. For the price I paid I feel it’s a great makeup vanity. I would recommend this.
Nice and sturdy
I always say read all the directions first then sort the parts into categories, then begin. There are lots of parts, but easy to put together it just takes some time. Don’t get discouraged directions are simple. The makeup lights are very nice!! My daughter loves it. It’s very sturdy. This is not super expensive so it’s not like something you would buy from a furniture store so if that is what your expecting go spend more money and get that. For the price I paid I feel it’s a great makeup vanity. I would recommend this.