A nice sofa for the cost, and fits into a small living room without overwhelming it. Seems very sturdy and assembly was super easy.
Its comfortable enough for most people, just add a footstool, in my personal case. An added plus that this makes into a guest bed very easily. Its nice that you can keep the arms propped up, instead of making it lay flat, when its functioning as a couch. Makes a big difference in comfort and was a well thought out design.
Nice Starter Sofa
A nice sofa for the cost, and fits into a small living room without overwhelming it. Seems very sturdy and assembly was super easy. Its comfortable enough for most people, just add a footstool, in my personal case. An added plus that this makes into a guest bed very easily. Its nice that you can keep the arms propped up, instead of making it lay flat, when its functioning as a couch. Makes a big difference in comfort and was a well thought out design.