Despite some negative reviews, my experience with the futon has been quite positive. It shipped well and arrived in great shape. The frame is sturdy and well made. Some folks mentioned that they didn’t receive enough buttons to cover the screw holes but I had enough. I chose the hunter green and just a warning, it is darker than the picture. But that was fine- worked out well. Not sure why they didn’t use colored thread instead of white for seam work. Doesn’t make much sense. I guess what was most frustrating were the instructions, which I didn’t feel were clear at all. It took a few minutes to understand how to raise and lower the frame. You definitely would benefit from two people putting this together. My son has used the mattress when he visited and said it was quite comfortable. There was a slight smell, but I expected that with foam. However, since it’s been out of the box and aired out, it’s hardly noticeable. Very happy with the purchase and feel like it was money well spent.
Money well spent
Despite some negative reviews, my experience with the futon has been quite positive. It shipped well and arrived in great shape. The frame is sturdy and well made. Some folks mentioned that they didn’t receive enough buttons to cover the screw holes but I had enough. I chose the hunter green and just a warning, it is darker than the picture. But that was fine- worked out well. Not sure why they didn’t use colored thread instead of white for seam work. Doesn’t make much sense. I guess what was most frustrating were the instructions, which I didn’t feel were clear at all. It took a few minutes to understand how to raise and lower the frame. You definitely would benefit from two people putting this together. My son has used the mattress when he visited and said it was quite comfortable. There was a slight smell, but I expected that with foam. However, since it’s been out of the box and aired out, it’s hardly noticeable. Very happy with the purchase and feel like it was money well spent.