This bunk bed is sturdy and of good quality. Its as described and arrived way before expected delivery date. My teens were able to put it together on their own, so the instructions were good. It looks nice; its a nice white color. My only complaint is that its short to me. Anyone older than 4/6 wont be able to sit up in the bottom bed (and I am using an 8 mattress); I dont particularly like that. Be sure about the measurements and your preference before purchasing. Also be careful about the thickness of the twin mattress you use for the trundle. 10 mattress doesnt fit. Pretty sturdy. Good size.
Good quality
This bunk bed is sturdy and of good quality. Its as described and arrived way before expected delivery date. My teens were able to put it together on their own, so the instructions were good. It looks nice; its a nice white color. My only complaint is that its short to me. Anyone older than 4/6 wont be able to sit up in the bottom bed (and I am using an 8 mattress); I dont particularly like that. Be sure about the measurements and your preference before purchasing. Also be careful about the thickness of the twin mattress you use for the trundle. 10 mattress doesnt fit. Pretty sturdy. Good size.