I ordered the bench for mothers day. It is pretty and sturdy. However, when I opened the box, the hardware bag had a tear in it so that some of the small pieces were floating around in the box! Thankfully, nothing escaped the packaging, though we did end up with an extra washer. The paint is disappointing. It is like one coat. There were disheartening and obvious flaws. :-( See picture for worst example. Had to get the Rustoleum on it within 20 minutes of opening. I think Ill need to repaint the whole thing before too much time goes by. Kind of a bummer. The directions were quite mediocre. I hope the bench lasts. It is cute.
Sturdy, but not impressed with paint.
I ordered the bench for mothers day. It is pretty and sturdy. However, when I opened the box, the hardware bag had a tear in it so that some of the small pieces were floating around in the box! Thankfully, nothing escaped the packaging, though we did end up with an extra washer. The paint is disappointing. It is like one coat. There were disheartening and obvious flaws. :-( See picture for worst example. Had to get the Rustoleum on it within 20 minutes of opening. I think Ill need to repaint the whole thing before too much time goes by. Kind of a bummer. The directions were quite mediocre. I hope the bench lasts. It is cute.