I purchased the queen and although it took me a while to put it together, the picture only instructions were easy to follow along with. I took the advice to not tighten the screws completely until each step was assembled and it makes a big difference. It is very pretty and seems to be extra sturdy. I purchased a 10 queen mattress in a box which fit the height perfectly to the shorter footboard. A little lower to the floor due to no box spring needed. Very happy with the purchase and its a great value for the money. I would definitely recommend. Highly recommend
I purchased the queen and although it took me a while to put it together, the picture only instructions were easy to follow along with. I took the advice to not tighten the screws completely until each step was assembled and it makes a big difference. It is very pretty and seems to be extra sturdy. I purchased a 10 queen mattress in a box which fit the height perfectly to the shorter footboard. A little lower to the floor due to no box spring needed. Very happy with the purchase and its a great value for the money. I would definitely recommend. Highly recommend