Perfect for small spaces. Sturdy and no tools needed to assemble. Im 5 ft 2in petite woman and I managed to assemble this myself but it was a bit of a challenge. Its doable though, and would be better if you have someone to help you assemble the couch as it is quite heavy. Ive had it for almost 2 months and it hasnt shown any wear and tear yet. Its firm but a few throwpillows make it comfy. I would definitely buy again.
Perfect for small spaces
Perfect for small spaces. Sturdy and no tools needed to assemble. Im 5 ft 2in petite woman and I managed to assemble this myself but it was a bit of a challenge. Its doable though, and would be better if you have someone to help you assemble the couch as it is quite heavy. Ive had it for almost 2 months and it hasnt shown any wear and tear yet. Its firm but a few throwpillows make it comfy. I would definitely buy again.