This turned out to be the most perfect bed for my 6 year old daughter! I cannot day enough wonderful things! Yes, there is a good amount of assembly involved, but the instructions are clearly given, and every part was clearly labeled. We did it in one afternoon. The bed is SO STURDY and well made. Solid wood. no cheap MDF! My daughter LOVES the stairs, and the drawers (which are also very well made, slide smoothly and perfectly straight. again, solid) I know this will last her several years, and we already have someone who wants when she out goes it! Highly recommended!!! You wont regret it!
This is the one!!!
This turned out to be the most perfect bed for my 6 year old daughter! I cannot day enough wonderful things! Yes, there is a good amount of assembly involved, but the instructions are clearly given, and every part was clearly labeled. We did it in one afternoon. The bed is SO STURDY and well made. Solid wood. no cheap MDF! My daughter LOVES the stairs, and the drawers (which are also very well made, slide smoothly and perfectly straight. again, solid) I know this will last her several years, and we already have someone who wants when she out goes it! Highly recommended!!! You wont regret it!