Basket is a good balance between being sturdy and yet mobile. It is a little heavy to carry around too much or too far, but I just use it around the house and it works great. I dont have to use the anchors / it is stable without them. The chains are nice and heavy. I store it out of direct rain and the chains still look new without any rust/oxidation. The flag is the only thing that really could be improved, but is not an integral part of the function. It can be removed/not installed and not affect the unit. The pieces will unscrew after repeated transfers, but they are easily tightened back up and do not loosen during play.
I am happy with the purchase and would recommend if you need a portable disc golf basket.
Sturdy, durable
Basket is a good balance between being sturdy and yet mobile. It is a little heavy to carry around too much or too far, but I just use it around the house and it works great. I dont have to use the anchors / it is stable without them. The chains are nice and heavy. I store it out of direct rain and the chains still look new without any rust/oxidation. The flag is the only thing that really could be improved, but is not an integral part of the function. It can be removed/not installed and not affect the unit. The pieces will unscrew after repeated transfers, but they are easily tightened back up and do not loosen during play. I am happy with the purchase and would recommend if you need a portable disc golf basket.