Love this coat rack, and it exceeded my expectations for the space I wanted to put it in. Only one complaint on the assembly instructions. At one point the label for the screw needed to attach the wood shelf to the bench is incorrect, and Im glad I noticed before continuing to tighten the screw, or the screw would have went through the wood plank (I could hear it starting to splinter). I believe they were the L screws. Flip flop those with the K screws. Other than that, the assembly was quick and easy. loves it!
Love, but assembly misprint!
Love this coat rack, and it exceeded my expectations for the space I wanted to put it in. Only one complaint on the assembly instructions. At one point the label for the screw needed to attach the wood shelf to the bench is incorrect, and Im glad I noticed before continuing to tighten the screw, or the screw would have went through the wood plank (I could hear it starting to splinter). I believe they were the L screws. Flip flop those with the K screws. Other than that, the assembly was quick and easy. loves it!