First, the color looks more like green and its a dull color. Some of the assembly was okay and easy to follow instruction book, but I had a hard time aligning the holes in putting up the ladder.
Its sturdy enough as long as my son dont move a lot in it and looks like it will hold up okay.
I have a 10 memory foam twin mattress on it and I had to put guard rails to protect my son from falling over.
Overall, my son loves it. Im so unhappy with this product.
Its okay.
First, the color looks more like green and its a dull color. Some of the assembly was okay and easy to follow instruction book, but I had a hard time aligning the holes in putting up the ladder. Its sturdy enough as long as my son dont move a lot in it and looks like it will hold up okay. I have a 10 memory foam twin mattress on it and I had to put guard rails to protect my son from falling over. Overall, my son loves it. Im so unhappy with this product.