I purchased this stand as a replacement for a larger t.v. I love it~ It was super easy to assemble. Each piece was clearly marked without having to pull off messy stickers. Each set of dowels, screws, etc. were packaged and marked clearly. There was no concerns with missing or mislabeled pieces. I actually enjoyed putting it together and found that despite the size, it was not overly heavy or bulky. I look forward to many years of usage!
Great stand
I purchased this stand as a replacement for a larger t.v. I love it~ It was super easy to assemble. Each piece was clearly marked without having to pull off messy stickers. Each set of dowels, screws, etc. were packaged and marked clearly. There was no concerns with missing or mislabeled pieces. I actually enjoyed putting it together and found that despite the size, it was not overly heavy or bulky. I look forward to many years of usage!