Absolutely love this bunk bed. Its beautiful and perfect for my toddlers. It did take awhile to assemble and the boards were hard to stretch out correctly. But nothing horrible. My only complaint with this bunk bed is the way the ladder goes on. It can still be lifted up while its bolted in, and my kids ended up ripping it off by lifting it. So it just sits on there now, and when it moves it scratches the small part it sits on. Easy as it says.
Beautiful bed. Perfect for price.
Absolutely love this bunk bed. Its beautiful and perfect for my toddlers. It did take awhile to assemble and the boards were hard to stretch out correctly. But nothing horrible. My only complaint with this bunk bed is the way the ladder goes on. It can still be lifted up while its bolted in, and my kids ended up ripping it off by lifting it. So it just sits on there now, and when it moves it scratches the small part it sits on. Easy as it says.