Love these stylish and sturdy products! I bought this chair because it looked nice, it was and a great modern choice, and the price was very reasonable. Also, because I want to rock our 6 month old granddaughter. The fabric is soft and the base seems very sturdy. I like the fact that it is tall enough to lay your head against the back rest. The arms are the perfect height to sit comfortably and hold my granddaughter to rock her.
Great looking rocker for baby!
Love these stylish and sturdy products! I bought this chair because it looked nice, it was and a great modern choice, and the price was very reasonable. Also, because I want to rock our 6 month old granddaughter. The fabric is soft and the base seems very sturdy. I like the fact that it is tall enough to lay your head against the back rest. The arms are the perfect height to sit comfortably and hold my granddaughter to rock her.