The style is very urban/modern/industrial that fits in with my decor. This product was easy to assemble, it came with the allen wrench and and extra screw but it is a little wobbly and looks like it has a very slight lean. It fits my laptop, my notepad and phone all together on the surface and I needed a table that would accomodate an office in a small space. It is lightweight, easy to move and does what I need so overall this is a good product.
Good Product, works in small spaces
The style is very urban/modern/industrial that fits in with my decor. This product was easy to assemble, it came with the allen wrench and and extra screw but it is a little wobbly and looks like it has a very slight lean. It fits my laptop, my notepad and phone all together on the surface and I needed a table that would accomodate an office in a small space. It is lightweight, easy to move and does what I need so overall this is a good product.