As a college student, this desk is the best thing ever! Its a perfect fit for my laptop and monitor. Plus, I have a whole bunch of my pencils, pen, and art supplies all organized on the shelves. Also, my manga collection fits perfectly. It was super easy to assemble and it made it easier working with a power drill rather than what they provided. I absolutely love my new desk and its perfect for my school work for when I do my art work!!
AMING desk !!
As a college student, this desk is the best thing ever! Its a perfect fit for my laptop and monitor. Plus, I have a whole bunch of my pencils, pen, and art supplies all organized on the shelves. Also, my manga collection fits perfectly. It was super easy to assemble and it made it easier working with a power drill rather than what they provided. I absolutely love my new desk and its perfect for my school work for when I do my art work!!