So much better than expected. Arrived in huge box. Super easy to put together. Base is very sturdy and I weigh 360 pounds and I feel secure in chair. The pillow top is soft and comfortable. The top ties to bottom and the swivel was a added bonus. I enjoy watching tv in this chair and rocking my dog to sleep as I do that. He enjoys the swivel also. I got the red. Btw the base is mostly metal and very secure as opposed to the wicker ones you find at pier 1 or world market so glad I took a risk on this one
Awesome papason chair
So much better than expected. Arrived in huge box. Super easy to put together. Base is very sturdy and I weigh 360 pounds and I feel secure in chair. The pillow top is soft and comfortable. The top ties to bottom and the swivel was a added bonus. I enjoy watching tv in this chair and rocking my dog to sleep as I do that. He enjoys the swivel also. I got the red. Btw the base is mostly metal and very secure as opposed to the wicker ones you find at pier 1 or world market so glad I took a risk on this one