This fit the space perfectly - the top is 27.5 inches and the legs do not stick out beyond that. I assembled the top flat without the raised monitor shelf, as I wanted more space and added my own shelf instead on the top. This is sturdy - I have it on a carpeted floor. However, if you lean heavily on the front edge, it will tendon to tip towards you (so dont). It is low enough that my keyboard is at the right height and my office chair slides underneath if I lower the armrests. Perfect for working remotely without cluttering up my home office (no more folding table after two years).
Perfect size for a small space
This fit the space perfectly - the top is 27.5 inches and the legs do not stick out beyond that. I assembled the top flat without the raised monitor shelf, as I wanted more space and added my own shelf instead on the top. This is sturdy - I have it on a carpeted floor. However, if you lean heavily on the front edge, it will tendon to tip towards you (so dont). It is low enough that my keyboard is at the right height and my office chair slides underneath if I lower the armrests. Perfect for working remotely without cluttering up my home office (no more folding table after two years).