Product was easy to assemble. Took no more than 35/40min and thats because I was working with a broken arm. The look is exact to the pictures shown. Customer service is great! They accidentally sent 2 chairs vs the 3 I ordered and in less than 24 hours the last chair was at my door. Companies need to learn that as a consumer we understand that mistakes happen but how you react and respond is EVERYTHING. I plan to purchase more from this company in the future.
Stylish, Easy to Assemble and Ready To Be Used
Product was easy to assemble. Took no more than 35/40min and thats because I was working with a broken arm. The look is exact to the pictures shown. Customer service is great! They accidentally sent 2 chairs vs the 3 I ordered and in less than 24 hours the last chair was at my door. Companies need to learn that as a consumer we understand that mistakes happen but how you react and respond is EVERYTHING. I plan to purchase more from this company in the future.