The stool is attractive and comfortable, and the assembly was almost simple. Instructions were clear. Unfortunately, there are 8 screws for 8 holes in the frame which are not threaded. These screws would make the frame very stable. Without them, it is not stable. There are also 5 longer screws to attach the seat to the frame. Alas, the space for the 5th screw is not drilled. It can be remediated but it is inconvenient. So, I contacted the vendor and received a rapid response - requesting order and SKU numbers. I have sent those as well as photos of the labels and a photo of the stool and the faulty screw holes. No response as yet. I may need to return the stool - disappointed.
Not as good as it looks.
The stool is attractive and comfortable, and the assembly was almost simple. Instructions were clear. Unfortunately, there are 8 screws for 8 holes in the frame which are not threaded. These screws would make the frame very stable. Without them, it is not stable. There are also 5 longer screws to attach the seat to the frame. Alas, the space for the 5th screw is not drilled. It can be remediated but it is inconvenient. So, I contacted the vendor and received a rapid response - requesting order and SKU numbers. I have sent those as well as photos of the labels and a photo of the stool and the faulty screw holes. No response as yet. I may need to return the stool - disappointed.