Mostly happy with my purchase. The price was right, the bed set up fairly easily and seems sturdy. Most importantly, the kids love it.
It shipped super fast.
What I dont like, is when setting it up, all 4 posts labeled D are exactly the same. By that I mean, the spot where the screw it suppose to set into so it doesnt stick out when assembled, doesnt do that on one side of the bed. One side has screw heads sticking out so Im sure a kid will catch something on it at some point. if I wasnt in Alaska, Id probably try to get the bed replaced, its just not ideal due to location and shipping.
Overall, Id recommend the bed for the most part, but dont be too disappointed when there are flaws. Good but
Happy, but
Mostly happy with my purchase. The price was right, the bed set up fairly easily and seems sturdy. Most importantly, the kids love it. It shipped super fast. What I dont like, is when setting it up, all 4 posts labeled D are exactly the same. By that I mean, the spot where the screw it suppose to set into so it doesnt stick out when assembled, doesnt do that on one side of the bed. One side has screw heads sticking out so Im sure a kid will catch something on it at some point. if I wasnt in Alaska, Id probably try to get the bed replaced, its just not ideal due to location and shipping. Overall, Id recommend the bed for the most part, but dont be too disappointed when there are flaws. Good but