I bought two of these for my granddaughters who stay with me every now and then. They are 7 8. They absolutely LOVE them. They are light enough that the girls can drag them out to the front room and use them too. The star ratings are what my granddaughters say they should be. They said they are a bit stiff right now / but they are comfortable and they enjoy sleeping in them. Now, i laid down on one of them / and i found it to not be as comfortable / but i do weigh a lot more than my granddaughters / LOL. So if you are looking for something for those every now and then sleep overs / these are great. They even fold up for storage if you dont want to leave them out. Love it
My granddaughters LOVE them!
I bought two of these for my granddaughters who stay with me every now and then. They are 7 8. They absolutely LOVE them. They are light enough that the girls can drag them out to the front room and use them too. The star ratings are what my granddaughters say they should be. They said they are a bit stiff right now / but they are comfortable and they enjoy sleeping in them. Now, i laid down on one of them / and i found it to not be as comfortable / but i do weigh a lot more than my granddaughters / LOL. So if you are looking for something for those every now and then sleep overs / these are great. They even fold up for storage if you dont want to leave them out. Love it