Ive hit 50 miles on the bike after owning it for less than a week. The bike is very easy to assemble. It comes very well packed in its folded position. Once I properly adjusted the seat height, I find it very comfortable to ride. I mostly ride in peddle assist mode 3 at around 19 to 21 mph, with various elevation changes. So far the range in that mode is pretty good, I have yet to run the battery down to less than
half in a single trip. I would assume if you rode only in PAS 1, you could easily hit the advertised 45 mile range.
My only real complaint is that its a bit noisy. You a lot of squeaks from various parts of the bike, especially the handle bars. Ive ridden other high end folders that are absolutely silent.
Probably the best option for this price range
Ive hit 50 miles on the bike after owning it for less than a week. The bike is very easy to assemble. It comes very well packed in its folded position. Once I properly adjusted the seat height, I find it very comfortable to ride. I mostly ride in peddle assist mode 3 at around 19 to 21 mph, with various elevation changes. So far the range in that mode is pretty good, I have yet to run the battery down to less than half in a single trip. I would assume if you rode only in PAS 1, you could easily hit the advertised 45 mile range. My only real complaint is that its a bit noisy. You a lot of squeaks from various parts of the bike, especially the handle bars. Ive ridden other high end folders that are absolutely silent.