The bunk bed is nice looking and sturdy. My kids like it. I found the assembly process difficult because a lot of the holes for the barrel connectors are misaligned. This misalignment of holes done in the manufacturing process caused a lot of barrel connectors to cross thread. No extras included. Even with the awareness of possible cross threading, I found the barrel connectors to be soft and of poor quality metal, and easily damaged. The wood is good quality, but the fasteners need to be upgraded.
Hardware quality needs improvement.
The bunk bed is nice looking and sturdy. My kids like it. I found the assembly process difficult because a lot of the holes for the barrel connectors are misaligned. This misalignment of holes done in the manufacturing process caused a lot of barrel connectors to cross thread. No extras included. Even with the awareness of possible cross threading, I found the barrel connectors to be soft and of poor quality metal, and easily damaged. The wood is good quality, but the fasteners need to be upgraded.