I bought 2 of these. They shipped quickly and were as described. The assembly booklet was very detailed / like 15 pages / which matched about how time consuming the process was. The instructions were pretty good with pictures so assembly wasnt hard per say, just lengthy. I was missing a camlock for one of them, thankfully I have purchased a lot of furniture lately and had extras. The end results are very nice, a good addition to my guestroom for sure and the drawers slide well. If you dont like to assemble furniture, definitely dont get this without expert assemble.
Nice end result
I bought 2 of these. They shipped quickly and were as described. The assembly booklet was very detailed / like 15 pages / which matched about how time consuming the process was. The instructions were pretty good with pictures so assembly wasnt hard per say, just lengthy. I was missing a camlock for one of them, thankfully I have purchased a lot of furniture lately and had extras. The end results are very nice, a good addition to my guestroom for sure and the drawers slide well. If you dont like to assemble furniture, definitely dont get this without expert assemble.