Fairly simple to assemble, it just took a long time. It is sturdy. Nice that it does not technically need a box spring, but they should have added one or two more support bars at the foot because if you sit at the foot the mattress will sag down.
Also, because it is a metal frame, it will start to creak. It's not bad right now but I assume over time it will really start to creak. For the price it's really not a bad option. I really like it.
Works great
Fairly simple to assemble, it just took a long time. It is sturdy. Nice that it does not technically need a box spring, but they should have added one or two more support bars at the foot because if you sit at the foot the mattress will sag down. Also, because it is a metal frame, it will start to creak. It's not bad right now but I assume over time it will really start to creak. For the price it's really not a bad option. I really like it.