This is a beautiful bed and great value for the money. Its sturdy and looks great. I love that the side panels are covered so when you get out of bed your legs brush against the soft fabric. The only issue I have with it is that the gray is more blue, which sucks because I either had to return the bed or paint the wall so Im going to paint the wall. Also the fabric looks kind of shiny, not bad things just things to be aware of when trying to decorate around it.
The gray is more Blue
This is a beautiful bed and great value for the money. Its sturdy and looks great. I love that the side panels are covered so when you get out of bed your legs brush against the soft fabric. The only issue I have with it is that the gray is more blue, which sucks because I either had to return the bed or paint the wall so Im going to paint the wall. Also the fabric looks kind of shiny, not bad things just things to be aware of when trying to decorate around it.