I cant say enough about these gorgeous cabinets! They were so easy to assemble it took my daughter and I about 1.5 hours to put them both together. The directions were clear, all the parts were there, even a little bag of spare parts. The best part for me was the tone on tone stickers included to mask the cam shafts and hold them in genius! We just got them but they are very sturdy, seems like theyll last for a while. I got 2 to flank the fireplace and decorate with vases. So excited to look for the perfect pieces to accentuate these beautiful cabinets!! Ok.
I cant say enough about these gorgeous cabinets! They were so easy to assemble it took my daughter and I about 1.5 hours to put them both together. The directions were clear, all the parts were there, even a little bag of spare parts. The best part for me was the tone on tone stickers included to mask the cam shafts and hold them in genius! We just got them but they are very sturdy, seems like theyll last for a while. I got 2 to flank the fireplace and decorate with vases. So excited to look for the perfect pieces to accentuate these beautiful cabinets!! Ok.