I asked for this for my bday because of the great reviews. It is big and sturdy, but I am pretty disappointed with it otherwise. Assembling it was a pain, the handlebars were not fitting right, so its now scratched up from trying to align the screws. Its loud and the springs squeak w/every bounce (like jumping on a squeaky bed). It can be heard from our downstairs family room. It doesnt just fold up to put way. You have to unscrew the handlebars and remove the legs before you can fold it up. I should have read that part better in the description. So now I have a big squeaky trampoline in the middle of my bedroom with clothes hanging on it. I would return it but my husband threw the box away. I shouldve sucked it up and paid more for the spring free bungee trampoline.
I asked for this for my bday because of the great reviews. It is big and sturdy, but I am pretty disappointed with it otherwise. Assembling it was a pain, the handlebars were not fitting right, so its now scratched up from trying to align the screws. Its loud and the springs squeak w/every bounce (like jumping on a squeaky bed). It can be heard from our downstairs family room. It doesnt just fold up to put way. You have to unscrew the handlebars and remove the legs before you can fold it up. I should have read that part better in the description. So now I have a big squeaky trampoline in the middle of my bedroom with clothes hanging on it. I would return it but my husband threw the box away. I shouldve sucked it up and paid more for the spring free bungee trampoline.