and the great bench with two lids holds all the shoes
this is just what I was hoping for. takes up a LOT less room than the cheap wardrobe we had for hanging coats and holding shoes and hats and gloves before. Now only coats I really use get put on the hooks, and the great bench with two lids holds all the shoes, scarves, and umbrellas I need. Nice looking. A bit difficult to put together, but so glad I got it!
and the great bench with two lids holds all the shoes
this is just what I was hoping for. takes up a LOT less room than the cheap wardrobe we had for hanging coats and holding shoes and hats and gloves before. Now only coats I really use get put on the hooks, and the great bench with two lids holds all the shoes, scarves, and umbrellas I need. Nice looking. A bit difficult to put together, but so glad I got it!