Sturdy, easy to put together, cat box fit perfectly! The instructions were a bit simple but if you pay close attention to the illustrations, setup was a breeze. Very sturdy but surprisingly light if you need to pick it up. I lined it with a pee pad just in case. I have the arm and hammer litter box, xl with high sides and it fit perfect! The front does come up slightly in the door but nothing the cats cant navigate. Will probably by another one. I just wish they had an option for a nice add on litter catcher tray for the outside
Sturdy, light, litter box fit!
Sturdy, easy to put together, cat box fit perfectly! The instructions were a bit simple but if you pay close attention to the illustrations, setup was a breeze. Very sturdy but surprisingly light if you need to pick it up. I lined it with a pee pad just in case. I have the arm and hammer litter box, xl with high sides and it fit perfect! The front does come up slightly in the door but nothing the cats cant navigate. Will probably by another one. I just wish they had an option for a nice add on litter catcher tray for the outside