You literally need this for your cat. I bought this because it has a very mid century modern vibe to it. And I have an insanely messy cat who likes to get litter everywhere. She LOVES this thing. Its super easy to assemble, its sooo sturdy and beautiful. Very easy to clean, she still gets litter everywhere but it stays mostly in the box. Easy to vacuum out and wipe out any gross. Worth the money! I would totally buy another one!
You NEED this for your cat.
You literally need this for your cat. I bought this because it has a very mid century modern vibe to it. And I have an insanely messy cat who likes to get litter everywhere. She LOVES this thing. Its super easy to assemble, its sooo sturdy and beautiful. Very easy to clean, she still gets litter everywhere but it stays mostly in the box. Easy to vacuum out and wipe out any gross. Worth the money! I would totally buy another one!