It looks nice, is sturdy and was easy to assemble with two people. The reason for the 4 stars is because I am having a hard time finding a litter box that will fit inside. I have a large male cat, and most standard litter boxes are 22inches, and this one only fits up to 18.5. Medium litter boxes are too small for my cat. I suppose I should have researched a bit more.
Does not fit a standard size litter box.
It looks nice, is sturdy and was easy to assemble with two people. The reason for the 4 stars is because I am having a hard time finding a litter box that will fit inside. I have a large male cat, and most standard litter boxes are 22inches, and this one only fits up to 18.5. Medium litter boxes are too small for my cat. I suppose I should have researched a bit more.