Absolutely love it. Overall Im really happy with this purchase. The bed is a very simple pine, but its pretty sturdy. I assembled this by myself (Im 5 feet tall/ 95 lbs), and it took about 1.5-2 hrs. The directions could have been a little more detailed, but after putting together a few items in the past I made do with these instructions. I would say that its good to also have a hammer on hand. I had to use one to get some of the pegs in, but no big deal. Also, I would recommend getting risers if you truly need under bed storage. This is a bit closer to the ground than I thought. But this is a nice, no fuss bed for the price.
Great no fuss bed for the money
Absolutely love it. Overall Im really happy with this purchase. The bed is a very simple pine, but its pretty sturdy. I assembled this by myself (Im 5 feet tall/ 95 lbs), and it took about 1.5-2 hrs. The directions could have been a little more detailed, but after putting together a few items in the past I made do with these instructions. I would say that its good to also have a hammer on hand. I had to use one to get some of the pegs in, but no big deal. Also, I would recommend getting risers if you truly need under bed storage. This is a bit closer to the ground than I thought. But this is a nice, no fuss bed for the price.