Surprisingly sturdy and well/designed for the price
This frame surprised me. Its actually a LOT more sturdy than I expected fir the price. And though it doesnt seem like a big deal, it came with some tiny metal squares that keep the mattress from sliding and you know what?? They work! On top of that I havent stubbed my toe on the legs, something I did regularly on my last bed legs. All in all, Id consider this frame a really great bargain!
Surprisingly sturdy and well/designed for the price
This frame surprised me. Its actually a LOT more sturdy than I expected fir the price. And though it doesnt seem like a big deal, it came with some tiny metal squares that keep the mattress from sliding and you know what?? They work! On top of that I havent stubbed my toe on the legs, something I did regularly on my last bed legs. All in all, Id consider this frame a really great bargain!