Wow!! This was a great buy!! This is a pretty nice frame on the whole. The price is decent and its easy to assemble, just unfold the legs and attach the bolts. Its a sturdy frame, too. The only flaw is there are no brackets around the frame to stop the mattress from sliding. There should be some adjustable stops about an inch high, maybe two per side to prevent this. If you buy this, youll want to pick up one of those anti/slipping mats. I got the Gorilla one. It didnt require trimming on my queen and it stopped the sliding issue.
One Flaw
Wow!! This was a great buy!! This is a pretty nice frame on the whole. The price is decent and its easy to assemble, just unfold the legs and attach the bolts. Its a sturdy frame, too. The only flaw is there are no brackets around the frame to stop the mattress from sliding. There should be some adjustable stops about an inch high, maybe two per side to prevent this. If you buy this, youll want to pick up one of those anti/slipping mats. I got the Gorilla one. It didnt require trimming on my queen and it stopped the sliding issue.