I was just looking for a cheap frame for my guest room. I was a tight budget and decided to take a chance on this frame. I love it! It comes in two pieces that you secure in the middle. Super easy to assemble. I got it in brown because it was the cheapest but it adds a nice boho look to the room. Its super sturdy and does squeak or rock. I use it with a 10/inch mattress and it sits high. The only complaint I have, which is no big deal, is that theres nothing to stop the mattress from sliding. I just decided to place it close to the wall. I need.
Great quality for the price
I was just looking for a cheap frame for my guest room. I was a tight budget and decided to take a chance on this frame. I love it! It comes in two pieces that you secure in the middle. Super easy to assemble. I got it in brown because it was the cheapest but it adds a nice boho look to the room. Its super sturdy and does squeak or rock. I use it with a 10/inch mattress and it sits high. The only complaint I have, which is no big deal, is that theres nothing to stop the mattress from sliding. I just decided to place it close to the wall. I need.