Bed frame was very easy to put together. Very well packed for shipment. I was a bit skeptical of how sturdy it would be but it is actually very sturdy. I also like how the headboard looks. Overall, very pleased with the purchase. Happy with my choice.
Note that the side pieces (length wise) are actually two pieces joined in middle but it doesnt affect the sturdiness. Works well. This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy.
Sturdy, great looking bed
Bed frame was very easy to put together. Very well packed for shipment. I was a bit skeptical of how sturdy it would be but it is actually very sturdy. I also like how the headboard looks. Overall, very pleased with the purchase. Happy with my choice. Note that the side pieces (length wise) are actually two pieces joined in middle but it doesnt affect the sturdiness. Works well. This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy.