The bed frame is easy to assemble, but it’s quality matches its price. Mine arrived with minor imperfections, such as one side of the headboard’s heart being dented very obviously. It’s decently sturdy, the full size anyways, but I sometimes have to retighten some of the bolts. If you don’t use a foundation, there are small metal clips on either side of the frame that are meant to hold the mattress or foundation in place, but since I have a memory foam mattress, it scratches me sometimes when sitting on the edge of the bed.
Mostly Good.
The bed frame is easy to assemble, but it’s quality matches its price. Mine arrived with minor imperfections, such as one side of the headboard’s heart being dented very obviously. It’s decently sturdy, the full size anyways, but I sometimes have to retighten some of the bolts. If you don’t use a foundation, there are small metal clips on either side of the frame that are meant to hold the mattress or foundation in place, but since I have a memory foam mattress, it scratches me sometimes when sitting on the edge of the bed.