They were kind enough to offer a replacement or 50 refund.
I had high hopes for this bed frame. First off, the parts didnt fit together very well, the holes werent aligned correctly. Now its been almost a full year with the box spring with 2 adults of combined weight of roughly 400lbs, a regular, non pillow top king mattress, and the frame has constantly made squeaking creaky sounds. Recently made a loud snap that I havent found out where came from yet but definitely doesnt sound like its going to last. Majorly disappointed. Exactly as it looks, but not great quality.
Squeaky, creaky, parts barely fit. Breaking?
update They were kind enough to offer a replacement or 50 refund. I had high hopes for this bed frame. First off, the parts didnt fit together very well, the holes werent aligned correctly. Now its been almost a full year with the box spring with 2 adults of combined weight of roughly 400lbs, a regular, non pillow top king mattress, and the frame has constantly made squeaking creaky sounds. Recently made a loud snap that I havent found out where came from yet but definitely doesnt sound like its going to last. Majorly disappointed. Exactly as it looks, but not great quality.