Perfect and Sturdy. I needed a very sturdy bed frame for a family member who occasionally stays over. This is a wonderful frame! Very quiet, sturdy with good cross support. No need for box springs with the zinus mattress.
The frame went together well until we realized the long cross piece (part E) was flawed. The brackets were facing the wrong way for the short supports. Emailed customer service with a picture and they sent a new part to us. The process took about a week or so.
The customer service was timely, courteous and I got my part. The frame is great. If not for the flawed part E, I would have given a 5 star rating.
Great frame with small glitch
Perfect and Sturdy. I needed a very sturdy bed frame for a family member who occasionally stays over. This is a wonderful frame! Very quiet, sturdy with good cross support. No need for box springs with the zinus mattress. The frame went together well until we realized the long cross piece (part E) was flawed. The brackets were facing the wrong way for the short supports. Emailed customer service with a picture and they sent a new part to us. The process took about a week or so. The customer service was timely, courteous and I got my part. The frame is great. If not for the flawed part E, I would have given a 5 star rating.