This is a cute, very easy to assemble entryway table. It looks as pictured, and the finish is nice. It feels pretty sturdy also, but my only complaint is that I wish it were taller. I feel like all the things I put on it need to be tall to make up for it or something. Also, the little white knob it comes with looks cheap, so I replaced it with a bigger, prettier knob.
Nicer than expected, wish it were bigger!
This is a cute, very easy to assemble entryway table. It looks as pictured, and the finish is nice. It feels pretty sturdy also, but my only complaint is that I wish it were taller. I feel like all the things I put on it need to be tall to make up for it or something. Also, the little white knob it comes with looks cheap, so I replaced it with a bigger, prettier knob.