This table is AMAZINGGGG! I cannot believe it was only $60! It was so easy to put together, all you had to do was screw in the legs. It is so sturdy and the most beautiful wood color! I will say it isnt a big table so dont get it if youre looking to fill up a big space, but for me it was perfect. I have a small entry way with a split foyer and it fit perfectly!
Best kept secret!!
This table is AMAZINGGGG! I cannot believe it was only $60! It was so easy to put together, all you had to do was screw in the legs. It is so sturdy and the most beautiful wood color! I will say it isnt a big table so dont get it if youre looking to fill up a big space, but for me it was perfect. I have a small entry way with a split foyer and it fit perfectly!